Shrine of Kynareth

Oblivion. 10% Playing, 90% Modding.

June 12, 2021 My Mods Version 1.0
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Casting spells from staff gives experience to the school of the most expensive part of the enchantment.

June 6, 2021 My Mods Version 1.3.2
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Attempting to slay the vanishing tent bug, one dumb quest script at a time.

May 16, 2021 My Mods Version 1.1.1
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Adds 7 new gems to the game and the ability to grind all 12 gems as well as pearls if you have any mortar & pestle in inventory. Right click on any gem to start grinding.

April 9, 2021 My Mods Version 1.0
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Allows for Mania weather to happen on the Dementia side of SI and vice versa and adds two more weathers to the Shivering Isles.


Welcome to my little place where I talk about playing Oblivion, and about modding Oblivion, and about making mods for Oblivion and about ...
