I got a bit bored with the few weathers that exist in SI. Mania and Dementia each get only like 2-4 weathers and while Dementia has more, most of them have fog. This mod:
- Allows for Mania weather to happen on the Dementia side of SI and vice versa. Chances are higher for native weather.
- Takes a two more weathers and adds them to the rotation.
There are now 3 clear weathers, 2 overcast weathers, 2 foggy weathers and 2 rainy/stormy weathers.
- Changes some of the existing weathers slightly.
- Makes nights roughly 50% darker.
- Uses only vanilla textures. If you use any replacers, those will be used.
What this mod doesn't do:
- Add new weather records. I reused some vanilla records that looked unused, because I wanted this mod to be mergeable.
I sure hope they were really unused. I couldn't find references to them in any scripts or regions.
- Add new textures.

All pictures were taken with OR 6.5 and vkBasalt and I also uploaded a bunch that used only Simple ENB, no OR on the nexus page. Results in any other preset might vary.
Direct download, file size: 8.86 KiBDownload from external site